Sunday, August 4, 2013

A Better Recognition

The following incident happened when I was new with freelance writing. I remember excitedly browsing through the new magazine of which I was a regular contributor. I was writing a variety column and science feature articles so I was puzzled when I didn't see my name in the editorial box of that magazine's particular issue. But I noticed the name of a new writer listed along with the other contributors. How could they forget my name? I was hurt, disappointed, and angry.

It took a while for my anger to simmer down later that day. Something I read calmed me down. "Do not think of yourself more highly than you should. Instead, be modest in your thinking, and judge yourself according to the amount of faith that God has given you" (Romans 12:3). 

I wanted my name to appear in the list of contributors because I wanted recognition for what I had written. It was right for me to expect it since I was part of the writer's pool. But I was taught through this incident to give more attention on improving my writing. So I took the challenge and worked hard on improving my writing craft. Later on, the editor of the same magazine told me that an article I wrote helped her gain perspective on how to cope with a crisis in the office. I felt it was a recognition better than seeing my name on print and I experienced a greater pleasure knowing how a piece I wrote helped someone. 

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